Terms of visiting professors’ stay (pursuant to Vice-Chancellor's Order No 8/2013)
The status of a visiting professor may be acquired by a foreigner employed at a different university who holds the academic title of professor or the academic degree of habilitated doctor. The status of a visiting professor may be also acquired by a foreigner holding the academic degree of doctor if s/he has remarkable and creative achievements in scientific, professional or artistic work.
A person interested in coming as a visiting professor submits an application for the status of a visiting professor for a foreigner (Attachment No 1 to Vice-Chancellor’s Order No 8/2013) where s/he lists:
- his/her personal data,
- main scientific achievements,
- suggested subjects and dates of lectures,
- the name of visited faculty and field of study,
- expected benefits for the university, and
- information about the source of finance.
The application for the status of a visiting professor for a foreigner at the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (UPH) should be submitted to the Vice Chancellor by 30 June of the year preceding the year in which the applicant is to be given the status of a visiting professor at the latest.
The foreigner who has been given the status of a visiting professor is issued a certificate confirming the fact of being given the status of a visiting professor at UPH according to the specimen set forth in Attachment No 2 to the Order.
The foreigner enjoying the status of a visiting professor at UPH gives classes under a civil-law contract. The remuneration of a visiting professor holding the academic title of professor or the title of professor of arts is 97.50 zl for a reference hour, i.e. 45 minutes (pursuant to the Vice Chancellor’s Order No 96/2017 of 9 November 2017.) The visiting professor is obliged to bear the accommodation costs during the stay at UPH.
The Institute appoints an attendant to the visiting professor. The attendant of the foreigner enjoying the status of a visiting professor submits a report on the classes given by the visiting professor to the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research through the head of the basic organisational unit within 7 days of finishing the classes by the foreigner. The report should include in particular: the subject of lectures read, their duration and main content. The report should be signed by the visiting professor, the attendant and the dean of the faculty. When the report on the classes given has been submitted, the visiting professor is remunerated as arranged in the agreement.