Katarzyna Kozak, Ph.D.

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Institute of Linguistics and Literature Studies

Siedlce University, Poland



Ph.D in the Humanities, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (2010)    

MA in English Philology, University of Warsaw (2011)      

MA in history (high honours), Academy of Podlasie (2005), Siedlce, Poland 

BA in Methodology of teaching English, University of Warsaw  (2009)


  • Interdisciplinary research lying between literature and politics concerning the process of shaping literary circles and their role in ideological formation of the English society in early modern period.
  • Public discourse in the 17th and 18th century England
  • The Origins and the development of the English Novel (18th century)


  • Editor-in-chief of Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature
  • Coordinator for the cooperation between the Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies, University of Siedlce and Department of Philosophy and Art, University of the Balearic Islands.
  • Organiser of the International Conference: Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature (since 2016)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of International Journal Oceanide
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Conversatoria Litteraria


  • Member of the Editorial Board of Colloquia Litteraria Sedlecensia
  • Member of the Board of Reviewers of LingBaw
  • Member of the Board of Reviewers of Inskrypcje


  • Research grant of the European Society for the Study of English (2020).
  • Visiting Professor Programme, University of Balearic Islands, 2019
  • Bodleian Library, Oxford. Siedlce University grant (2018)
  • University of Balearic Islands, Erasmus+  Mobility Programme (2018)
  • Durham University, scholarship research, Siedlce University grant (2016).
  • The University of Ediburgh, scholarship research, Siedlce University grant (2016).
  • Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, Erasmus+  Mobility Programme (2016).
  • Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, Erasmus+ Mobility Programme (2015).
  • De Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg (Limburg Catholic University College), Hasselt, Belgium.  Research on literary circles  in modern period (16-17th centuries), Siedlce University grant (2014).
  • Primary English Teaching Programme,  Maidstone, the UK. Research on teaching English to Very Young Learners, Grant of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, LLP 2014-1-PL01-KA101-000753, (2014).
  • Reading the City (Culture studies and the role of a topic in teaching), Pistoia, Italy, Grant of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, LLP 2014-1-PL01-KA101-000753, (2014).
  • Università degli Studi dellaTuscia, Viterbo, Italy, Erasmus Mobility Programme, (2013).
  • Sicily –a chain of civilisations (Studies in cultural heritage) Parco Letterario Tomasi di Lampedusa, Palermo, Italy, Grant of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, LLP 2012-3-PL1-COM02-33220, (2013).
  • 2006 – Research on philosophical – literary output in early modern Italian states, Sapienza, Università di Roma.
  • 2004 – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, grant of Deutscher Academischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)
  • Academic internship at the University of Balearic Islands (2023).
  • University in Żilina (Slovakia), Erasmus+ Mobility Programme (2023).  
  • Bodleian Library, Oxford – Research financed with the grant of the European Society for the Study of English. Title of the project: “The Examiner and Literary Journalism” (2022).
  • Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas (Funchal, Portugalia), Erasmus+ Mobility Programme (2022).
  • Grant of the European Society for the Study of English. Title of the project: “The Examiner and Literary Journalism” (2020).


  • 2019 – University of Balearic Islands, Spain, Department of Philosophy and Art

Lecture: “The Politics of In-Difference: A Project within Early Eighteenth-Century English and American Periodicals” inaugurating the seminar “The Cultural Politics of In/difference”

  • 2018 – University of Balearic Islands, Spain, Department of Philosophy and Art

Lectures on the question of education in 18th century English literature.

  • 2016 - Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, Department of British-American and German Studies,

Lectures and workshops on the eighteenth century English Essay Periodicals. 

  • 2015 - Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, The Department of English and American Studies,

Lectures and workshops on methodology of Teaching English.

  • 2014 - De Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg (Limburg Catholic University College), Hasselt, Belgium, Teacher Training  Department,  

Lectures and workshops on teaching English to young learners aged 7-9.

  • 2013 - Università degli Studi dellaTuscia, Viterbo, Italy,

Lectures in the Institute of Foreign Languages and Contemporary Foreign Literature on the significance of South-Italian literary output in the process of shaping and development of mixed constitution theory in the 16th and 17th centuries.

  • 2022 University of La Laguna, Spain, Lecture: “Introduction to the Eighteenth Century British Literature and Culture”.
  • 2022 Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas, Portugalia, Lecture: “The dead end of Literature Studies: The case of Jonathan Swift”
  • 2023 University of Żilina, Slovakia, Lectures on English Renaissance in Literature (Ph. Sidney, Th. More).


2023 -  "Hidden" meanings across the fields of literature, linguistics and culture, 8th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature 23-24/11/2023

2023 – International Conference Tyrants and despotisms in literature language and culture, held on 7th -8th September 2023 at University  Siedlce (Poland)

2022 - Representation: between and beyond cyclicity and newness in literature, language, and philosophy, 7th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature 24-25/11/2022

2022 – Conference “A hero of our time masculinity in contemporary literature, language and culture (after 1989):, held on 8th -9th September 2022 in Siedlce.

2021 -   International Conference Hybridity in theory and practice:  cross-field perspectives, 6th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature 25-26/11/2021

2020 -   International Conference Between clarity and fuzziness. Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts,  5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature 27/11/2020

2019  – Międzynarodowa konferencja Naukowa Spowiedź i kazanie w kulturze i literaturze.

            Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny, 12-13/09/2019.

2019 – Conference (Un)Intentional Communication across Fields of Culture, Media, Language, and Literature, 4th Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny, 31/05/2019.

2018 - Conference Discourse Studies across Fields of Culture, Media, Language, and Literature, 3rd Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature, Uniwersytet-Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 20/04/2018.

2017 – Conference Discourse in Humorousness/Seriousness Dichotomy in Language, Culture and Literature, 2nd Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature, Uniwersytet-Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 28/04/2017.

2016 – Conference Uses, Misuses, Abuses of Language in Literature Culture and Linguistics, 1st  Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature, Uniwersytet-Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 14/10/2016.

2016 -Seminar: Public and non-public discourse. Yesterday- Today – Tomorrow. Seminarium naukowe, Ośrodek Literatury Dawnej, Teorii Literatury i Kultury Słowian CBN IKRiBL, Siedlce. 16/03/2016.

2015 – International Conference Teaching in Language, Culture and Literature, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach 12/10/2015. 

Membership in academic societies and associations 

  • British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
  • Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
  • The Newspaper and Periodical History Forum of Ireland (NPHFI)

Teaching experience 

  • English Literature (16-18th century)
  • British History and Culture
  • English Press and Public Opinion in the 18th century
  • English Phonetics
  • MA Seminar
  • BA Seminar
  • Methodology of teaching English



Depicting a Political Rival: Evolution of Richard Steele’s Essay Periodical Writing. Brno Studies in English, 2020 (forthcoming).

Joseph Browne: Literature and Politics in Early Eighteenth Century England. Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies, 28/1, 2019, s. 35-48.

War of Words: the discourse of hate in the early eighteenth century English newspapers. Conversatoria Litteraria, XIII, 2019, s. 219-231.

The Hurry and Uproar of their Passions: Images of the early 18th century Whig. English Literature, vol. 4, 2017, Edizioni Ca’Foscari, s. 73-89.

What could happen to Wilbur? The use of digital storytelling in teaching EFL in Primary classroom. Fictions. Studi sulla narratività, ed. Donna Tatsuki, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Roma, XV, 2016, s. 81-91.

Parlament sycylijski i Sejm Walny (XVI-XVII wiek), Barok, XVIII/1 (35) 2011, ss. 171-202.

Chapters in monographs:

Pio Rossi i jego wizja wolności w dyskursie politycznym wczesnonowożytnych Włoch. [w:] Państwo i Kościół wobec wolności obywatelskich oraz wyznaniowych we wczesnonowożytnej Europie, red. Z. Hundert, D. Milewski, Oświęcim 2018, s. 27-35.

A Renaissance letter as an element of literary discourse. Contribution to literary relationships between Poland and England in the early modern age. [In:] (Re)Interpretacje (nie)literackie, red. Katarzyna Kozak, Agnieszka Rzepkowska, Roman Mnich. Instytut Kultury Regionalnej i Badań Literackich im. Franciszka Karpińskiego, Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2016, s. 179- 185.

“My chief Business will be to instruct my Country-men”: The Examiner and Educating the Audience. [In] Literature, Culture and Linguistics in Teaching: Theory and Practice, (eds.) K. Kozak, A. Rzepkowska, Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2016, s. 79-87.

William Oldisworth and the Performance of Authorship in The Examiner. From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture, Uniwersytet Warszawski, vol. V, 2016, pp. 205-214.

Women’s education: generational clash in the first half of the 20thcentury represented in the selected British autobiographies. [In:] Studia Anglica Sedlcensia, vol. 2, (ed.) Joanna Stolarek, Jarosław Wiliński. Instytut Kultury Regionalnej i Badań Literackich im. Franciszka Karpińskiego, Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2016, s. 61-73.

"Certain things that your husband will require from you" - sex education and sex life in Lorna Sage's "Bad blood" and Margaret Forster's "Hidden lives" , [in:] Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature; vol. 2 From Word to Discourse (ed.) Katarzyna Kozak, Agnieszka Rzepkowska. Instytut Kultury Regionalnej i Badań Literackich im. Franciszka Karpińskiego, Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2015, s. 43-54.

Evolution of the political system in the Kingdom of Sicily (16-17th century). [In] Some Renaissance/Early Modern Topoi in the 21st century (eds.) Krystyna Kujawinska Courtney and Grzegorz Zinkiewicz, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015, s. 133-150.

Selected Aspects of the British Feminism Movement in the first half of the 20th century. [In] Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature vol. 1, Novel approaches in language, literature and culture studies , ed. by Katarzyna Kozak, Joanna Kolbusz-Buda. Instytut Kultury Regionalnej i Badań Literackich im. Franciszka Karpińskiego. Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2014, s. 113-130.

System fiskalny w Królestwie Sycylii i Pierwszej Rzeczypospolitej (XVI-XVII w.). [w:] Dzieje, Wojsko, Edukacja. Księga Jubileuszowa prof. Henryka Hermanna, pod red. M. Bednarzak-Libery i J. Gmitruka, Siedlce 2010, s. 67-77.

Korespondencja Stanisława Reszki z kardynałem Ascanio Colonna. [w:] Z dziejów wojskowości polskiej. Księga jubileuszowa Profesora Kazimierza Pindla w 70. rocznicę urodzin pod red. J. Gmitruka, W. Włodarkiewicza, Warszawa-Siedlce 2008, s. 45-52.

Republika Wenecka jako przykład aplikacji ustroju mieszanego [w:] Kuźnia Młodych Historyków, Siedlce 2005, s. 35-42.

Drewniany dwór polskiej szlachty w XVII w. – architektura i wyposażenie [w:] Kierunki Badawcze Młodzieży Akademickiej, pod red. K. Jankowskiego, A. Bobryka i B. Stelingowskiej, Siedlce 2005, s. 3-10.

Intelektualne przyjaźnie Stanisława Reszki, Kuźnia Młodych Historyków, t. 1, Siedlce 2004, s. 72-82.

Edited monographs

Humour and Meaning: Selected aspects of humour in culture. (eds.) Katarzyna Kozak, Edward Colerick. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2018.

Uses, Misuses, Abuses of language in Culture, Literature and Linguistics. Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature, vol. 3. ed. by Katarzyna Kozak, Iwona Świątczak-Wasilewska. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2018.

(Re)interpretacje (nie)literackie. Ed. Katarzyna Kozak, Agnieszka Rzepkowska, Roman Mnich, Siedlce : Instytut Kultury Regionalnej i Badań Literackich im. Franciszka Karpińskiego. Stowarzyszenie : Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2016.

Literature, Culture and Linguistics in Teaching: Theory and Practice. (eds.) K. Kozak, A. Rzepkowska, Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2016.

From word to discourse. Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature, vol. 2. ed. by Katarzyna Kozak, Agnieszka Rzepkowska. - Siedlce: Instytut Kultury Regionalnej i Badań Literackich im. Franciszka Karpińskiego. Stowarzyszenie: Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2015.

Novel approaches in language, literature and culture studies. Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature vol. 1. ed. by Katarzyna Kozak, Joanna Kolbusz-Buda. - Siedlce: Instytut Kultury Regionalnej i Badań Literackich im. Franciszka Karpińskiego. Stowarzyszenie: Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2014.

Other publications:

Ekes Janusz Władysław (1943-2017). Historia i Świat: czasopismo naukowe Instytutu Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach. - Nr 7 (2018), s. 261-265.

Sprawozdanie z IV Międzynarodowej Konferencji Studenckich Kół Naukowych Kierunki Badawcze Młodzieży Akademickiej Siedlce 19-20 maja 2005r. Szkice Podlaskie, 13, 2005, s. 277-280.

Selected conference presentations:

2023 – International Conference Body, Mind, Spirituality, From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria, 20-     


Presentation Title: The Concept of „Body Politic” in Early Eighteenth Century Essay Periodicals.

2023 - April Conference Fifteen: Humanity/Humanities organised by the Institute of English Studies of    the Jagiellonian University in Krakow on 20–22 April 2023

Presentation Title: Jonathan Swift in the 21st Century

2022 - Transitions, PASE Conference 1-3.07.2022, Jagiellonian University, Kraków.

Presentation Title: Indifferent but engaged: Richard Steele’s journalism

2022 - Novel beginnings: transnational perspectives on early modern fiction. International 

            Conference, 14-16. 09. 2022, University of Huelva.

Presentation Title : Robinson Expelled: Paradise Lost Continued

2021 – International Conference  Hybridity in theory and practice:  cross-field perspectives,  6th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature

Presentation title: Constructing a hybrid image: Jonathan Swift.

2021 – 15th ESSE Conference, Lyon (online)

       Presentation title: Against Sophistry and Mock-Logicians: The Examiner’s Appeal to Logic

2020 - International Conference  Between clarity and fuzziness. Investigating the concept of meaning             

           in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts,  5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary

           Issues in Language and Literature 27/11/2020

Presentation Title: What does  ‘a poet’ mean: a Renaissance misunderstanding

2019 – International Congress ‘In thy arms I lost myself’. Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 9-11/10/2019.

Presentation title: Adjusting Antiquity in Phillip Sidney’s ‘Defence of Poesy’.

2019 – 7th Conference “From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th Century British Literature and Culture”. Uniwersytet Warszawski, 25-27/09/2019.

Presentation title: Evolution of Richard Steele’s Essay Periodical Writing.

2019 – International Conference  The idea of university, Uniwersytet Wysp Balearskich, Palma de Mallorca,16/09/2019

Presentation title: The university education in Jonathan Swift’s writings.

2019 – International Conference Sermons and Confessions in literature and Culture Siedlce University, Siedlce 12-13/09/2019.

Presentation title: Preaching and Priestcraft:Sermons and the ideological debate in early eighteenth-century England.

2018– 14th ESSE Conference, Masaryk University, Brno 29/08-2/09/2018.

Presentation title: Inflamers and Make-bates: discrediting political opponents in the early eighteenth century media discourse.

2018 – Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Ars Epistolandi. Listy dawniej i dziś. Kraków 9-10/06/2018.

Presentation title: Autokreacja w dyskursie epistolograficznym epoki renesansu – przyczynek do genezy autokreacji w angielskim dyskursie prasowym XVIII wieku.

2018 – Conference Discourse Studies across Fields of Culture, Media, Language, and Literature, 3rd Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature, Siedlce University 20/04/2018.

Presentation title: War of Words: discourse of hate in the early eighteenth century English newspapers.

2017 - From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria, Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture,  Uniwersytet Warszawski

Presentation title “Literary Echoes of Anglo-Swedish Relations in the Early Eighteenth Century”

2016 – Uses, Misuses, Abuses of Language in Literature Culture and Linguistics, INiBI, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach.

Presentation title “A Renaissance Letter as an Element of Literary Discourse”

2016 – Public and non-public discourse. Yesterday - Today – Tomorrow. Seminarium naukowe, Ośrodek Literatury Dawnej, Teorii Literatury i Kultury Słowian CBN IKRiBL, Siedlce.

Presentation title: „Public Discourse in Early Eighteenth Century England”

2015 –„Postawy decydentów wspólnot politycznych i kościelnych wobec wolności obywatelskich oraz wyznaniowych mieszkańców we wczesnonowożytnej Europie. Różnice i podobieństwa doświadczeń I RP i innych krajów” Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa.

Presentation title: „Pio Rossi i jego wizja wolności w dyskursie politycznym wczesnonowożytnych Włoch (XVI wiek)”

2015-Literature, Culture and Linguistics in Teaching, INiBI Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach

Presentation title  “Educating the Audience in the Examiner (1711-1714)”

2015 - From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria, Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture,  Uniwersytet Warszawski.

Presentation title William Oldisworth and the Relationship Between the Author and the Reader in Early 18th Century British Newspapers